
i would go out tonight, but i haven't got a stitch to wear

How about some more catch-up, after what appears to be my longest hiatus in this blog's history? Essentially, I can't remember anything after these shoes came into my life. They melted my brain into a beautiful, glittery puddle and nothing else matters. After the sequin blazer, I was convinced I couldn't own anything sparklier. I shouldn't speak so soon. But since January, I have turned 16 and this blog has turned 4. 4 years old. Damn. Also, denim+denim is still a winner in my book.

lucky brand shirt, pilcro & the letterpress jeans, patricia blanchet shoes, vintage ring, vintage belt

Also, I have the best friends ever who do awesome things for my birthday.

(This Charming Man: The Smiths)

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